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Alpha edition by Jasinda Wilder Romance eBooks

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Download PDF Alpha  edition by Jasinda Wilder Romance eBooks

The first time it happened, it seemed like an impossible miracle. Bills were piling up, adding up to more money than I could ever make. Mom's hospital bills. My baby brother's tuition. My tuition. Rent. Electricity. All of it on my shoulders. And I had just lost my job. There was no hope, no money in my account, no work to be found. And then, just when I thought all hope was lost, I found an envelope in the mail. No return address. My name on the front, my address. Inside was a check, made out to me, in the amount of ten thousand dollars. Enough to pay the bills and leave me some left over to live on until I found a job. Enough to let me focus on classes. There was no name on the check, just "VRI Inc.," and a post office box address for somewhere in the city. No hint of identity or reason for the check or anything. No mention of repayment, interest, nothing…except a single word, on the notes line "You." Just those three letters.

If you receive a mysterious check, for enough money to erase all your worries, would you cash it?

I did.

The next month, I received another check, again from VRI Incorporated. It too contained a single word "belong."

A third check, the next month. This time, two words. Four letters. "To me."

The checks kept coming. The notes stopped. Ten thousand dollars, every month. A girl gets used to that, real quick. It let me pay the bills without going into debt. Let me keep my baby brother in school and Mom's hospice care paid for. How do you turn down what seems like free money, when you're desperate? You don't. I didn't.

And then, after a year, there was a knock on my door. A sleek black limousine sat on the curb in front of my house. A driver stood in front of me, and he spoke six words "It's time to pay your debt."

Would you have gotten in?

I did.

It turns out $120,000 doesn't come free.

Alpha edition by Jasinda Wilder Romance eBooks

I always try to finish a book -no matter how bad it is and this book was BAD.

This was the most ridiculous premise for a story. It is not well written just some hyper fantasized sex that in no way could ever in real life be "love". I hated this book - if I had paid for it I would be requesting a refund.

The "Alpha" is directly responsible for the the (not sure what she is...submissive, idiot, ????) fathers murder. And she's trying to decide if she can look past this and be with her man...ugh.

Enough said.

Don't waste your time with this one.

Product details

  • File Size 788 KB
  • Print Length 450 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1941098126
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Jasinda Wilder (April 29, 2014)
  • Publication Date April 29, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Alpha  edition by Jasinda Wilder Romance eBooks

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Alpha edition by Jasinda Wilder Romance eBooks Reviews

The premise is promising. The first chapter or two is interesting. Unfortunately, "Alpha" falls short of attaining an erotica status I associate with authors like C.D. Reiss. Like many reviewers before me, this book is another version of "Fifty Shades of Grey." It is equally weak, and I am disappointed that I wasted so much time reading it. When I discovered it was the first book in a trilogy, again mimicking its predecessor, I was shocked. One word came to mind REALLY? Is another book truly needed in this train wreck of a story? Apparently, yes. The storyline continues to get weirder, at least as described by the book summaries. There is no way I will waste money on the next ones to see what happens between Valentine Roth and Kyrie St. Claire-- both their names equally grated on my nerves as I read.

The story is difficult to talk about without spoiling the "surprise" twists and turns. Some I saw and others I did not -- the porno sex distracted me from the big reveal at the end. Needless to say, this book reminds everyone that nothing is ever free, and everyone has a price -- Duh! Apparently, Kyrie's price was $120,000 and lifetime security for her mother and brother. Oh yeah-- also an endless supply of mind-blowing sex.

If you want something light-hearted with little depth and lots of sex, this is the book for you! I enjoy those types of books myself, but I could not get past the ridiculous premise, narrative holes, and terrible writing. For instance, there was a lot of repetitive points about how Valentine was a god among men; he was stunningly beautiful with his Aryan blue eyes and blonde hair. I just get tired of the reminders, as if the author had nothing new to add to her story. We get it. Valentine is perfection, and Kyrie is lucky to have him.

There are some racial undertones that disturbed me as well. The few people of color who were mentioned were either criminals or the housekeeper for our mysterious billionaire. I was uncomfortable with how bodies of color were disposable characters. Class distinctions were emphasized between appropriate poor, like white Kyrie struggling to survive with decent, honest labor, and low-class Mexican thugs who probably survived through illegal activities. The emphasis on class might reflect city life, but I cannot even remember where the story begins. Meanwhile, the housekeeper is a lonely Mexican woman who is so happy to finally have a friend in Kyrie. She praises Kyrie and defends her boss, as any employee would. He is a good man despite his strange tendencies of stalking and ownership. Kyrie falls into a comfortable position of power as an unwitting white savior for Eliza.

Most of the supporting characters are inconsequential. There is Harrison, a general jack of all trades kind of employee, and Kyrie's best friend, Layla. Layla intrigued me, and I believed in their friendship. I actually wondered more about Layla and her life choices than I did about Kyrie.

The ideas about an alpha male were promising, but they really go nowhere in this book. I am sure Jasinda Wilder saved those juicy tidbits for the later novels. Still, I found myself wanting to analyze the characters with a psychoanalytic lens, especially in terms of Greek mythologies. Ideas of ownership, giving oneself completely to another who takes control from you, is an alluring concept. It leaves the owned in a state of blissful submission. When you do not have to think, someone else thinks for you. It is especially fruitful if this someone else is an individual who you trust to have your best interests at heart. Suddenly, you are granted a life that many wish for but never attain-- a carefree existence. Gone are the daily stresses of having to make difficult choices, many of which become hard life lessons. Instead, one can focus on passion, sex, and other baser needs. Wow! This is so tempting, but I definitely think it can only exist in the fictions of our minds or perhaps if you find yourself with a billionaire with unlimited funds and transportations to take you around the world.

The relationship between Kyrie and Valentine was "meh." There was a lot of passion, which eventually leads to love. However, I was not a believer. I did not see either character demonstrate their love through their actions. Valentine does have a pretty way with words, which Kyrie constantly questions "Who talks like that anyways?" She explains it away because Valentine is British and maybe the British have a certain flare with words. Valentine's language contrasted nicely with Kyrie's vernacular potty mouth. Surprisingly, Valentine puts up with her derogatory language skills despite the fact that numerous characters point out that he does not like people to curse around him. Could this be an example of Valentine's love for Kyrie? Like a proper boyfriend, he accepts her uncouth faults. I kept thinking how much fun Wilder could have with her characters if Valentine started a swear jar for Kyrie. Force her to put a buck in every time she curses, and that will show her who truly owns her.

As for the author herself, I do not know a lot about Jasinda Wilder . I did enjoy her afterward. She sounds like a lovely person who really respects her fans and wants to please her readers. Her genuineness, and the desire that I wished I had liked this book for her, bumped the rating up from 1 star to 2 stars.

The cover art and presentation of the book, and the later books in the trilogy, are simple but beautiful. I love the splash of color on each cover, especially this dark red. It hearkens to memories of my wedding. My dress had a splash of deep red on the train. In fact, it was the cover art that first drew me in. Bravo with your presentation, Wilder!

Read "Alpha" for a jaunty romp. There are not a lot of sexual experimentations, but there are plenty of sex scenes to keep the book bouncing. If you attempt to find depth or a stronger story, you will be sorely disappointed, and not in an achingly good way.
If you were in debt, on the verge of being evicted, no job, electric shut off, paying for your schooling and your sibling's, responsible for your sibling and sickly mom would you cash an unknown $10,000 check. After thinking hard, I would. Would I cash another one even after finding a job? Especially with a cryptic message line of "you. belong. to me"? That's the situation Kyrie finds herself in.
Being "collected", being "owned", being blindfolded (for 3 days), not being told his name, just think of him as "Him". I don't know I'd be freaking out. To cum just from his voice alone, To know his secret may have you walking away forever. You're hooked. What does she do? What does he do? I couldnt put it down to write a review. Especially with the erotic love scenes. VR and Kryrie heat up the pages. First there was Disney with the sneak peak or extras after the credit and then Marvel with the connections. Now we have Ms. J. Wilder leaving golden nuggets after her credits. Just like with movie credits stay until the house lights come up. Read til the very end people, after about the author, after what else this author has written. It is so worth it. This isn't a cliffhanger per say but if you buy the other two books the story continues. And if you get Beta first read Alpha before reading Beta. Good story.
I am not sure what I expected with this book, but it wasn’t what I got!
Let me start with the first part of the book. The build-up to Kyrie being “collected” for her debt is pretty good. It gets you wondering. Your interest has been piqued. Once she is taken, the book turns a little.
Mr. Roth is a private man. He doesn’t do public appearances. He is a man of many “talents”. His empire has built on legal and not-so-legal ventures over the years. He has a connection to Kyrie that he is not ready for her to know. The idea of blind-folding her is a bit extreme, but fits his personality.
Kyrie has to earn getting the blindfold off. Both parties need to be able to trust one another before this happens. I expected her to have the blindfold on for much longer than she did. Then again, it would have made the book drag.
Once Mr. Roth lets the secret out about how he and Kyrie are connected, she does what anyone would do… she flees. I was actually expecting the secret to be held for much longer than it had. I still think it should have. I almost wanted her to find out herself.
I am not going to discuss what happens after Kyrie flees from Mr. Roth; that would be giving too much away.
If you like hot, steamy sex and lots of it, this is the book for you. It is not lacking in this department at all!
Overall, even though I expected things to play out differently than they did, this book is so well-written, one cannot help but to like it, if not love it! The main reason for 4-stars instead of 5-stars is because of the sex. Well, not the sex itself, but the amount of sex. I wanted to see a little more of a mental connection than just the sexual connection between these two characters.
I always try to finish a book -no matter how bad it is and this book was BAD.

This was the most ridiculous premise for a story. It is not well written just some hyper fantasized sex that in no way could ever in real life be "love". I hated this book - if I had paid for it I would be requesting a refund.

The "Alpha" is directly responsible for the the (not sure what she is...submissive, idiot, ????) fathers murder. And she's trying to decide if she can look past this and be with her man...ugh.

Enough said.

Don't waste your time with this one.
Ebook PDF Alpha  edition by Jasinda Wilder Romance eBooks

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